kaleKale is one of the most popular vegetables in the world. Kales have been used over the years to prepare a wide range of foods, such as the kale chips, and many types of salads. So why do you need to include kale in your diet? These are some reasons you should consider including it in your menu.

What is Kale?

Kale is a popular cruciferous and leafy vegetable with a wide variety of shapes and tastes. There is the ornamental kale, the curly kale and the dinosaur kale, among many others.

Nutritional Value

The main reason behind the high popularity of this vegetable is the high nutritional content that it contains. Kales are rich in fiber, carotenoids, antioxidants, and over 45 flavonoids that have been proven to help in fighting against illnesses such as cancer, inflammation, and improving immunity. Research shows that fresh kale contains more vitamin C than an orange. It contains alpha-linoleic acid, which helps the body to fight inflammation. A cup of kales contains about 121g of alpha-linoleic acid.

Buying Tips

When buying kale it is important to look for the right type to ensure that you get the most out of it. You should look for firm, evenly colored, and no wilted leaves. You should try to avoid those that have yellow spots and have holes on their surface. The guiding principle should always be freshness: the fresher the kale, the more the nutritional value it contains.