Since 1972, we have been producing high quality, Biodynamic and organic foods while providing farm-based learning experiences for children and adults. Our 400-acre Biodynamic farm includes dairy cows, vegetables, a creamery, organic bakery, sauerkraut cellar, and more.
Our work revolves around cultivating relationships: with the earth, our surrounding communities and landscape, and with one another. The times are calling for a new form of agriculture – Agriculture 3.0 – that requires a radically enlarged context of sound farming principles, new economic forms and parameters, and renewed recognition of the role of agriculture and agriculturists in our culture and society.
What You’ll find
- Our Biodynamic and organic foods plus great people
- Wonderful selection of healthy, delicious dairy products
- A great range of fresh baked goods from the farm
- Fresh and cured beef and pork cuts for your choosing
Store Hours
Sun and Thurs 8-2