coupons2A number of retailers, especially supermarkets and most drug store chains have put up a spirited campaign against the excessive use and abuse of coupons. Most of the these stores have put a bottom line of just how many coupons you can use in their stores in order to save on their profit margins. With the economic recession in the air, it is understandable that most consumers will try to look for ways they can use to cut costs. Some consumers have devised an artful way of combining manufacturer, store and digital coupons to get big reductions on their grocery bills. Most of these people make bulk purchases and completely wipe clean the shelves. This greatly reduces the profit margins of the stores.

The term ‘extreme couponing’ is used to refer to the habit of consumers finding any way possible of saving their shopping money, just like most people used to do during the great depression. The biggest victims to this trend are the big supermarket chains and drug stores. This is because these are the ones that mostly offer coupons. These range from the manufacturer and store coupons to the point driven loyalty programs. The stores are also prone to extreme couponing because most of them sell basic commodities such as groceries and toilet paper. These are necessities that demand is inelastic even with a bad economy.

Most of the retailers who have become victims of this trend are now saying that enough is enough. Most have gone back to their drawing boards and adjusted their coupon policies to avoid further losses.