Like any food or beverage, coffee has both its benefits and disadvantages when it comes to human health.
According to Research
A number of studies have shown that coffee drinkers have a lower possibility of acquiring type two diabetes, dementia or Parkinson’s disease. These studies have also shown that coffee drinkers have a lower incidence of strokes, certain cancers and problems in heart rhythm. Although these are what researches have suggested, there has been no actual proof yet that coffee does indeed prevent the occurrence of these medical conditions. This is because the studies only involved asking people about their coffee drinking habits, and so, it is also possible that factors like better diet, protective genes or frequent exercise are what is responsible for the person’s health condition.
Health Benefits of Coffee
Regardless of solid proof and considering only the fifteen studies that have already been published, coffee (decaffeinated or not) has definitely helped lower the risk for developing Type II Diabetes. Research findings of the year 2005 state that out of 193,000 people, those who drank over 6-7 cups every day were less likely to develop Type II Diabetes by 35%. People who drank 4-6 cups of coffee were found to have a 28% lower risk for developing Type II Diabetes. This result was found to be true regardless of weight, geographic location (Europe or U.S.) or sex.
Coffee is an abundant source of antioxidants, which help prevent tissues in the body from being damaged by free radicals. It also contains important minerals like chromium and magnesium which helps the body utilize insulin for blood sugar control. For a person with Type II Diabetes, the body is unable to utilize insulin or effectively regulate glucose (blood sugar).
Coffee has also been connected to having lower risks for disturbances in heart rhythm (a risk factor for strokes and heart attacks) in both sexes. It has also been shown to lower the incidence of stroke in women. This result was applicable regardless of whether the women surveyed had Type II Diabetes, high levels of cholesterol or high blood pressure.
Health Disadvantages of Coffee
Although coffee contains a lot of antioxidants and minerals, it also contains caffeine. Caffeine has been known to increase the body’s blood pressure. It also increases the amount of epinephrine (more commonly known as adrenaline) in the blood. In pregnant women, large doses of caffeine suggests a greater risk of miscarriages. Caffeine is also a mild diuretic. Thus, drinking a lot of it can cause you to urinate frequently. Coffee (both decaffeinated and regular), contains acids that can worsen heartburn.
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