One Natural Experience or O.N.E., is a beverage company which produces all natural beverages for the United States and Canadian markets. The company is headquartered at Los Angeles, California.
O.N.E. was founded by Brazilian immigrant Rodrigo Veloso. Growing up in Brazil, coconut water was a popular beverage for its delicious taste and health benefits. Veloso wanted to bring the popularity of coconut water into the United States and share the wonderful benefits that it can bring to the people of America.
An entrepreneur by heart, Veloso wanted to start his business by marketing beverages in the United States. He wanted his products to promote advocacy for natural and healthy beverages that are packaged in environmentally friendly containers.
During his MBA years in Brazil, Veloso created a business strategy that aimed to create a brand for healthy consumer drinks and launch it to the United States market. Veloso focused on coconut water as the flagship product. This business plan garnered him high praise in the business world and won him an award at the Competition for Latin American Business Plans in 2005.
Later that year, Veloso relocated to Los Angeles and went on to start O.N.E. By 2006, O.N.E.’s Coconut Water was launched in the U.S. market. It was sold at Whole Foods Market branches and immediately became the number one alternative drink in all of the grocery’s branches in Southern California.
After one year of demonstrations and promotions, O.N.E. was able to achieve nationwide distribution with top specialty/natural distributors in the United States and Canada. In 2008, O.N.E. introduced its line of super juices, a group of beverages packed with antioxidants, as well as other natural ingredients. Among the new O.N.E. products that the company introduced included Amazon Acai, Coffee Fruit Drink and Cashew Fruit.
By 2009, O.N.E. signed an agreement for distribution with Pepsi Beverage Co. Its coconut water product line was also expanded with the addition of four new varieties called O.N.E. Coconut Water With A Splash. In 2010, the company still continued to expand its distribution scope, this time including GNC, Publix,, Vitamin Shoppe and Cost Plus. O.N.E. also introduced another new product, O.N.E. ACTIVE, a sports drink made from coconut water and with added natural botanicals and herbs.
Recently, O.N.E. has partnered with the Alliance For A Healthier Generation to fight obesity in children. The company has also partnered with the William J. Clinton Foundation and The American Heart Association to support the same cause.
Headquarters: Los Angeles, California
Ownership Type: Private
No. of Employees: more than 30
Geography: USA, Canada
Demography: healthy beverage enthusiasts, sports drinkers
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