Meijer Supercenter, located in Michigan, Ohio, Indiana, Illinois and Kentucky with over 190 stores, is a one-stop shop retailer carrying thousands of name brands as well as their own company brands. Meijer gives its customers up to five opportunities to save money on anything from groceries to electronics right on the home page.
The first savings option is coupons and offers. Providing specials, promotions, sales and previews by phone and email, the coupons and offers page lists in detail the various ongoing deals and their dates. The listing are split to online and in store, but to spare misunderstanding, each listen also states whether the item special is in-store, online or both.
Next there is the 1-day deal feature. The 1-day deal, also known as “deal of the day,” shows the item with a clock indicating how much time is left to jump on this special daily offer. The regular price is listed along with the sale price and the percentage of savings. You can also sign up for the deal of the day alerts through e-mail and subscribe to specific items to receive alerts about their sale status.
As with most companies today, Meijer also features a new option called mPerks. This is the Meijer mobile app which allows user to clip digital store and manufacturer coupons, and receive rewards for items already purchased through the Meijer personalized rewards program. These rewards unlock one you have spent a certain amount in specific Meijer departments.
The final two big savings opportunities with Meijer are the online sales and weekly ads. The online sales features all of Meijers best offers, and is organized according to category, generally with items on the front page that are relevant to the season/holiday/etc. These items are on sale online ONLY. The traditional weekly ads circular gives the shopper a chance to view the circular online, select items to add to a shopping list, and then print them to receive savings in store. The ads can be searched by location and then specific store.
If you are a frequent Meijer shopper and have had experience with any of the savings opportunities, please leave a comment below.
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