Flaxseeds are the seeds of the flax plant. These seeds produce what is commonly known as linseed oil or flaxseed oil.
Forms of Flaxseeds
In stores, flaxseeds are sold in three forms: whole, ground and oil. Whole flaxseeds are either pre-packed or are contained in bulk containers. These seeds have a brown or gold color and can be stored for a long time. However, to get the most out of these seeds, it has to be ground before consumption. Ground flaxseed is also known as “flaxseed meal.” This form is sold pre-packed and is kept refrigerated because it spoils very quickly once exposed to light and air. Ground flaxseeds are more expensive than the whole ones, but can be added directly to a wide array of foods, including baked ones.
Flaxseed oil is stored in opaque bottles and kept refrigerated. There are also flaxseed oils that are contained in capsules, but these are sold as supplements and not as food. Of the three forms, flaxseed oil is the most quick to become spoiled. It is also important to note that heating or cooking flaxseed will cause it to go rancid and lose all of its nutritional properties. Flaxseed oil can be added to smoothies, yogurt, salad dressings and other chilled foods.
Nutritional Benefits
Flaxseeds are a very good source of lignans. Lignans are a kind of phytoestrogen that is said to protect against breast cancer and prostate cancer. It is also a very good source of omega-3 fatty acids, essential fatty acids that are commonly found in fish. Insoluble and soluble fibers are also contained in flax, as well as protein. In fact, flaxseeds are considered complete protein sources, so those amino acids that the body is unable to make, flaxseeds can supply. This makes flaxseeds a great diet food.
Researches involving flaxseed suggest that these seeds help prevent tumor growth in the breast, colon and prostate. It decreases the risk of heart diseases, strokes, cardiac arrhythmia and blood clots. This does it by lowering the body’s LDL cholesterol, triglycerides, as well as blood pressure. In women, flaxseed helps relieve mastalgia (breast pain connected to a woman’s hormonal cycle). In diabetics, flaxseeds help improve the body’s control of blood glucose. It has also been suggested that these seeds alleviate symptoms of Parkinson’s disease, arthritis and asthma.
How Much Flaxseed to Serve
Flaxseeds have a nutty taste and serving a little of it will most of the time will be enough. Generally, 1 to 2 tablespoons of ground flaxseeds everyday is enough for an adult. Some studies have shown that consuming ¼ cup of flaxseeds everyday has resulted in drug, as well as nutrient interactions, so it is best to consult with your doctor.
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