cool whipCool Whip a whip cream imitation that is usually considered to be whipped topping. In North America, Cool Whip is used as a dessert topping, as well as a few no-bake pies. Originally, the product was considered non-dairy since it did not contain any milk or cream. However, it contained casein and not lactose.

The history of Cool Whip dates to 1966 when the Birds Eye division of General Foods introduced the product. Two years later, it became one of the most profitable and largest Birds Eye products. Later, a merger was formed between Bird Eye, Kraft Foods and Phillip Morris. It consequently became a part of the Altria Group. Kraft Foods disintegrated from the Altria Group in 2006. William A Mitchell, a food chemist at General Foods was the inventor or Cool Whip. One of the major benefits of the invention is the fact that the product was like whip cream and could therefore be marketed as a frozen product and kept in a refrigerator.

For the Canadian and United States markets, Cool Whip is manufactured in Avon, New York. The product is packaged in plastic tubs of 226 g, as well as larger ones manufactured by Berry Plastics. The product is marketed in a frozen state and refrigerated before serving.

The key ingredients used to make Cool Whip include high fructose corn syrup, hydrogenated vegetable oil, light cream, skim milk, and water, just to mention a few.

Cool Whip Products

Cool Whip Regular with special flavors throughout the year

Cool Whip Extra Creamy

Cool Whip Seasons Delight

Cool Whip Lite

Cool Whip fat free

Cool Whip sugar free

Cool Whip Frosting in 3 flavors


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