In a new study that was conducted by a University of Texas psychologist, results shed light on the notion that heavy drinkers have a tendency to live longer compared to non-drinkers. Researchers postulated that alcohol has a positive effect on longevity since it reduces the probability of getting chronic health conditions such as heart attack and diabetes. It is however, unclear how this happens. Researchers are almost sure that consuming alcohol regularly increases HDL levels. HDL is often referred to as the beneficial or good cholesterol. Physicians have disagreed on whether increased levels of HDL could explain the decreased risk of heart diseases among drinkers. Basically, consuming two alcoholic beverages daily increases the level of HDL by five to ten percent. This is at times believed to correspond to the minimization of heart condition by ten percent.
Other additional benefits of alcohol that have been reported include improving the pumping efficiency of the heart, as well as helping in blood clotting. However, the two findings have not been well established. A few other research studies have suggested that alcohol has the positive effect of improving the body’s sensitivity to insulin. This in turn minimizes the risk of getting diabetes, which in itself is a heart disease’s risk factor. A lack of reliable data and sufficient evidence paves the way for further research studies to be conducted on the subject. Nonbelievers think that the studies are undermined by shoddy methodologies and confounding variables. They have argued that the purported beneficial effects brought about by alcohol might be accounted for by the fact that moderate drinkers tend to have an all around healthier lifestyle compared to non-drinkers. Doctors have for a long time suspected the health benefits achieved by consuming alcohol. Despite all the findings, further research needs to be conducted.
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