Raley’s management announced that it planned to implement a contract that it calls “last, best and final.”  The supermarket chain had set Thursday as the date of the implementation. This comes in the wake of claims by management that UFCW Local 8-Golden State had denied the chains employees a voting opportunity for 3 weeks.

The union officials oppose the contract saying that it contains unacceptable concessions. As a result of the long-standing labor dispute, the members had made their intent to strike last spring and sent authorization to the union.

The contract terms offer employees welfare and health plans similar to those enjoyed by other employees who are unionized at Raley’s. Some of these benefits include sick-leave plans and a retiree component before 65 years of age. The contract also includes 4 paid holidays, and a 1 week paid vacation. Holiday and Sunday premiums will be ceased. The wages will be frozen for two years and a 3rd year re-opener. Raley’s has touted their terms as better than those of Save Mart. As the chain said it planned to implement the contract it also said that if the contract was not voted upon then it would be forced to shut down more stores. The contract was to take effect on 1st November and run for 3 years.

On the Verge of a Strike

Raley’s now appears to be on the verge of a strike. The management announced that they could be closing some stores as 40 stores of there 130 stores lose $2 million per store annually. In response to the supposed loses the union officials had demanded a financial record inspection of Raley’s books. In its 77-year history the chain of supermarkets has never faced a strike.