I am not a baker. Don’t get me wrong, I love baked goods, I really do. However I cannot bake from scratch and most out of the box baked goods taste just like that, out of the box. If I have to bake, I prefer to make items that make me seem like a gourmet, without all the work. I had a last minute play date come up with a friend. Our boys plays together and she doesn’t really know that I don’t like to cook or bake. OK, she has no idea.
I have a secret.
She is an extraordinary baker, cook, and chef herself. Call her Emeril or Betty Crocker. She is European, so she knows how to cook and how to make a cake. In fact, I have had made from scratch croissants, and different breads at her house when she has hosted play dates. Delicious is an understatement.
How do I keep up? How do I make perfectly baked, super tasty goodies without being a baker? What is my secret, you ask?
The extraordinary delicious, wonderfully simple, easy to prepare Dassant International mixes.
Play date looming, I grabbed a Dassant’s vanilla bean cake mix, and within 45 minutes I was ready, I even had the fresh brewed coffee ready.
The cake was light, moist and delicious. It tasted like it was made from scratch, from a recipe handed down from my elegant great aunt Harriet, who not only had family recipes, but had a chef to cook them.
It was just me. Just my oven and all I needed was water, oil, and milk.
Other than the just-from-the bakery-taste, what I really like about Dassant is the directions are easy to use. The packaging is bright and cheerful and takes you by the hand, step by step. Really, step by step.
There are three boxes outlining the directions and the materials you will need on the back of the box. One box is the step by step directions that are very clear and easy to understand, broken into numbered steps:
1. Prepare
2. Mix
3. Pan
4 Oven
Above the steps is Dassant’s message:
Dassant International Baking Mixes represent fine baking traditions from around the world. Each recipe is rich in history, oven-fresh flavor, and the irresistible aroma of home style baking. Quality, convenience, satisfaction – that’s Dassant.
There is a vertical box next to the directions that show visual images of what you will need, titled appropriately, Quick, Easy, & Fun Baking, listing out each needed item for easy-peesy planning.
Underneath the two vertical boxes, is the third box which gives you an extra recipe to add that finishing touch. In this case, butter cream icing, which was easy to get ready while the cake was baking.
On another box side, Dassant outlines simple Secrets for Success, with sub headings such as, Avoid Over Mixing, Ovens, Alternative Beverages, and Muffins. So you not only get a recipe, a gourmet quality product, but you also get an alternative item to bake.
I highly recommend this product for any mom on the go or any mom who has baker’s phobia – bake one of these items and you will look like a Parisian baker!
You can view their full product line at: www.dassant.com
By: Megan Oteri — Megan Oteri is a stay-at-home-mom, writer, photographer, and toddler wrangler. Follow her blog at memomuse.wordpress.com and on facebook at facebook.com/memomuse
Where can I get them?, I havn’t been able to find them lately