California-based food company Earthbound Farm follow’s the MyPlate guidelines with its new PowerMeal. This newly launched product encourages consumers to divide the contents of their plates with half fruits or vegetables and the other half with whole grains and protien.

Earthbound Farm’s PowerMeal is a range of organic, healthy and ultra-convenient meal alternatives. Sometimes referred to as “lunch without the junk,” the PowerMeal is a combination of seeds, fresh greens, fruits, and whole grains. All these ingredients provide the body with necessary fiber, antioxidants, and protein. The combination is also sure to bring a different variety of tastes to the product.

Varieties of the new PowerMeal include: “Blueberry Quinoa Protein Balance,” a combination of baby spinach, quinoa, sunflower kernels, balsamic vinaigrette, and dried blueberries; “Cranberry Wheat Protein Boost,” a combination of mixed greens, wheat berries, whole-grain wheat (bulgur), garbanzo beans, red wine vinaigrette and dried cranberries”; ”Tomatillo Black Bean Protein Energy,” a combination of baby lettuces, corn salad with five-seed, black beans, corn strips (stone ground) and green tomatillo vinaigrette. All of these varieties contain 340 to 360 calories, 6 to 7 grams of fiber and 5 to 9 grams of protein.

As more than fifty percent of people in the United States already know of the term “meatless Mondays” and want to reduce the amount of meat that they eat, the PowerMeal is a highly recommended product for the combination of grains, fruits and vegetables that it has. Aside from being a healthy alternative, it is also a convenient meal for those who are always on the go. All PowerMeal varieties are now available in retail food stores at a suggested price of $4.99-$5.99.