Illinois-based food company Meyers Bay Foods is currently promoting its new snack food in the market. “CrumbleOn S’mores Crunch” is the new offering that boasts of that real campfire taste that campers have loved since the time s’mores were created.

With this new product, snackers will definitely get that delicious, smoky taste of the combination of marshmallows and chocolates sandwiched between graham crackers. The creation of this new snack is considered by the company as an “AHA!” moment. The product recipe’s founder, Mary Jo Bergland, got the inspiration from the leftovers of a lakeside campsite. Chopping up marshmallows, graham crackers and chocolates, Mary Jo then sprinkled these s’mores ingredients over pancakes and served it to her visiting guests.

The topping proved to be a huge hit and so Mary Jo shared her new recipe with husband Gary and friend Tom Henry. Gary, before retiring, was a business executive and Tom was the former director of Research and Development for ConAgra Foods. The three of them then took the concept to the market and worked to produce commercial-grade s’mores. The three soon came up with “CrumblesOn S’mores Crunch.”

CrumblesOn S’mores are actually little pieces of graham crackers and marshmallows that are coated with chocolate. This product, aside from a snack food, can also be used as stir-ins. For instance, pancakes will take on a totally different flavor with this s’mores crunch added. Aside from pancakes, CrumbleOn S’mores can also be used as a crumb crust for cream pies or on ice cream.

The new “CrumbleOn S’mores Crunch” is now available in the market and can be bought at Meyers Bay FoodsCo.