Dr. Pepper, Snapple Group’s Mott brand has recently launched a new kind of juice, the brand’s first ever vegetable juice. Aptly termed, the new vegetable juice is called “Mott’s Garden Blend.”
According to Mott’s Vice President for Marketing, Jaxie Alt, the launching of Garden Blend is considered by the company to be exciting, plus it also extends the range of one of the company’s oldest, yet most successful brands. Alt added that the brand has always had a history of delivering product innovations.
The new Garden Blend is able to address the two most common demands of consumers: quality taste, and health and wellness. This new beverage is 100% vegetable juice. One 8-ounce glass of this juice equates to two servings of vegetables. Also, this vegetable juice contains just 45 calories and is a very good source of vitamins A and C.
Nowadays, a majority of adults prefer to have a great-tasting, yet convenient way to consume their recommended servings of vegetables, as well as lower the amount of salt they take in. The new Mott’s Garden Blend is able to provide a solution to this demand, plus it comes in two varieties: low-sodium and original.
According to Alt, Mott’s knows of adult consumers’ need to be healthy, yet at the same time be able to enjoy what they eat and drink. This is the reason why the company came up with this new product.
Mott’s Garden Blend is now available in major retail stores at a retail price of $2.49 (for a 32-ounce bottle) and $3.99 (for a 64-ounce bottle).
I found this product by chance after drinking v8’s for years.. now I cant find it anywhere. It is 10x better than v8. Is it still available?
I wrote the company on where I could buy Motts Garden Blend and they said it is no longer sold in the Portland area. I am very disappointed. I loved that juice. I would go to Safeway and buy all 6 or 8 bottles on the shelf. If anyone knows where to buy it, besides online (very expensive), please let me know.
Trader Joes sells a similar product called Garden Patch in regular and low sodium. The taste is the same
motts garden blend is the best tasting. has less salt and surgar and has more tomatoe taste then beets celery and other vegs the other blends put in. qfc has stopped selling motts garden blend, safeway no, walmart no, fred meyer no, where can i buy in portland oregon? the other blend just are not as good. help please! sharon