Reality television program Extreme Couponing has truly attracted a large chunk of America’s viewing population. Proof of this is the staff’s preparation for a second season of the show.

Despite the mixed publicity that the show is getting, it cannot be denied that thousands of homes are drawn to watching the extreme couponers being featured on the show. Although some may be disgusted by people diving into dumpsters just to collect coupons, others are amazed by these people’s dedication to saving money.

Extreme Couponing has collected its share of negative and positive feedback. In fact, the show has been one of the more popular topics discussed about in blogs and online forums. Coupons, or couponing, has also become one of the more popular searches online.

For some, the show may look like it features a bunch of hoarders and organization freaks. However, there is also a large number of viewers who have become interested and even inspired to give coupon clipping a try. In terms of television program ratings, the show has not been doing bad either. It has been one of the programs in its time slot that garners a larger rating as compared to its competitor programs in the same time slot.

With all this, it is no wonder that TLC has decided to give American viewers more of what Extreme Couponing has to offer. Currently, the show’s second season is still in the preparation process and is expected to air in September of this year. Aside from Extreme Couponing Season 2, TLC has also requested for a show of a similar format to EC, however this time, one that features sweepstakes players who take their bets to the extreme.