Catalina Marketing Corporation is a leading company for providing marketing solutions which are shopper-driven. The company is headquartered at St. Petersburg, Florida.
Catalina Marketing Corporation was created in 1983 by Mike O’Brien, Tom Mindrum, George Off, BrianYeatman and Mike Scroggie. The company was founded with the idea that there is a more effective way of reaching out to shoppers than television, freestanding inserts or radio. This led the group to come up with the Catalina Network®, a system that made use of the scanner-based technology in communicating with shoppers.
They system and technology will allow retailers and manufacturers to classify shoppers based on actual insights. It also allowed for the distribution of customized incentives at the moment a sale is made.
In 1984, Catalina Network® first installed their system in stores. In 1994, the company created a division that will be focused on reaching out to pharmacy patients. The division was named Catalina Health Resource. The said division also dealt with direct-to-patient advertising. Since it was first created, the Health Resource division has been able to cater to patients through more than 18,300 retail pharmacies in the United States.
Currently, the Catalina Network® is already installed in over 25,000 stores in the United States. The company is currently in expansion mode as it already has over 8,000 stores installed with the Catalina Network® in countries like France, Germany, the United Kingdom, Italy and Japan. The Catalina Marketing Corporation has now even widened its scope of service to provide shopper-driven advertising and interactive solutions, patient education on healthcare and data services.
How the Catalina Network Works
The system works based on a consumer’s buying insights. These insights can be obtained via UPC scans or card identifications. These insights determine what Catalina promotions or advertisements (coupons) are delivered at POS (Point-of-Sale) through a high-speed, full-color printer.
As for printable coupons, shoppers need to register with the website first. After registration, they can then customize their offers and choose only those that they prefer. Once coupons have been selected, it will be ready for printing. First time users should take note though that they will have to download a Coupon Print Activator first before they can begin to print any coupon from the website. The print activator is the company’s way of sending out coupon information in a secure way.
Headquarters: St. Petersburg, Florida
Company Type: Private
No. of Stores: The Catalina equipment is installed in over 25,000 stores in the United States alone. It also has about 8,000 stores installed with the Catalina equipment in other countries.
Total Sales: Information not available
No. of Employees: around 1,200
Geography: United States, the Netherlands, Italy, France, United Kingdom, Japan, Germany and Belgium
Demography: All types of shoppers
Currently, Catalina’s dedicated website for coupons have 52 participating brands which include Avent, Kellogg’s, Kraft, Nestle and Viva.
Important links
Corporate Home Page
Promotions and Coupons
Jobs and Careers
Contact Information
Can you please supply a current From W-9 form for your company to my email address
Wish to print coupons from Target like I used to. What can I do? I can not find the Catalina Savings printer activator. I won’t go to Target till I can print their coupons again, and I really like going to Target.