souffersStouffer’s represents a popular brand of frozen food in the United States and Canada. The brand is manufactured by Nestle and is known for a number of high quality and nutritious food products.

The brand name traces its origins to 1922 and this is when Abraham Stouffer and his wife Mahala ran a coffee shop that offered a number of products. The coffee shop, which was situated in Cleveland, Ohio, became successful and the couple’s two sons Vernon and Gordon came in to help and this led to the creation of a chain restaurants. The demand for packed food increased and with time, the Stouffer’s were forced to freeze foods and sell them to a retailer in a bid to maintain the increasing customer base. By 1954, Stouffer foods had gained popularity with American families. Since its inception, Stouffer’s has continued to provide millions of American families with some of the best entrees, which hold on to Mrs. Stouffer’s vision of how food should be cooked.

Nestle Stouffer has continued to come up with new entrees as per the market demand and there is hardly any favorite American family dish that Stouffer’s won’t deliver. There are Italian, Asian and Mexican recipes offered and these come in different packages in order to suit any American family size. Stouffer’s products come with a healthy ingredients list with low fat levels and high nutrition content.

Stoffeur’s continues to spread all over the world, with Europe receiving the products very well. The geographical spread is beneficial to the natives since it adds new foods to the product list for all-round satisfied families.

Brand Products

Stouffer’s offers more than 125 products, the below are just a few

Stouffer’s macaroni & cheese

Stouffer’s lasagna

Stouffer’s pot pie

Stouffer’s French bread pizza

Stouffer’s baked chicken

Brand links:

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