Aids healthcareIt is a nonprofit provider based in Los Angeles and specializes in the provision of HIV testing, prevention and healthcare services for patients. This organization has gained popularity due to its campaigns and support of regulations and laws for condom use in adult film productions.


AIDS Healthcare Foundation was started in 1987 by Michael Weinstein who is also the organization’s president. There are numerous organizational clinics in the U.S., which are based in Georgia, Florida, Washington D.C. and Texas. The Out of the Closet thrift store chain is operated by Aids Healthcare Foundation. It is also important to note that the MOMS chain of pharmacies was acquired by the organization in the year 2012. Following the acquisition, the chain’s brand name was changed to AHF Pharmacy. In the years 2012 and 2013, AHF was the major sponsor of HIVA awareness that was themed Rose Paradise floats. Each of the floats was awarded Queen’s Trophy because of best utilization of roses. On 1st January this year, a marriage between two gay men, Denny Leclair and Aubrey Loots was held on the float of AIDS Healthcare Foundation. A documentary film titled “Keep the Promise: The Global Fight Against AIDS” was produced by AHF. The film featured the protesting of anti-HIV funding levels of the government, as well as anti-HIV prices for drugs at the 19th International AIDS Conference in 2012. The protest in question was sponsored by AHF.


Company headquarters: Los Angeles

Ownership: Private Company

Locations: Clinics are located in Florida, Ohio, Georgia, Washington, D.C., Texas and California


Out of the Closet Chain

AHF Pharmacy

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Thrift Stores

Healthcare Centers


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