couponGrocery coupons are a great way of saving money on shopping. Finding such coupons is not as easy as it sounds. A bit of effort and research is required. It is essential to keep in mind that this effort is worthwhile for a shopper. It is advisable to find and use coupons whenever an opportunity arises. Here are some of the ways you can get money-saving coupons.

Local Newspapers

It is essential to check the local newspapers, and in particular, the Sunday issues. Retail advertisements in newspapers often include coupons. Therefore, when perusing a daily newspaper, it is vital to take note of coupon advertisements.

Friends and Family

Friends and family can also serve as a platform for finding coupons. Ask family members and friends to save coupons for you. Give people an idea of the brands and types of products that you prefer or that you usually purchase. This way they can save and keep useful coupons for you.

Stores’ Entryway Areas

The next time you visit your favorite stores, make sure that you check their entryway areas. Most stores have racks or coupon machines that contain coupons. These machines are often placed at the entrance. Some may also have coupon exchange boxes for other shoppers to put coupons that they cannot use.


With advanced technology, the Internet can serve as a critical platform for searching coupons. There are several online sites that display a wide range of coupon information. For instance, you can type the word “grocery coupons” on the Google search engine and it will display a number of websites giving out coupons. Checking the store’s own website is another effective way of finding coupons.