Rouses Markets On February 4, 2011, a product recall was announced by Rouses Markets for one of the products that it is selling, the tuna steak (yellow fin). The reason for the recall is the possibility of an elevated level of histamine in the product. The elevated histamine levels were discovered after two consumers were reported to suffer health conditions.

The affected frozen tuna steak has UPC codes that begin with 208732 and were sold from December 1 last year until January 27 of the current year. The label on the product says ‘Product of USA.’ Aside from the tuna steak, no other seafood product is affected by Rouses recall.

A high level of histamine can trigger allergic reactions when taken in by the body. This can lead to scrombroid fish poisoning or Histamine fish poisoning. Symptoms of this condition include tingling in the mouth, rash, itchy skin, vomiting, facial swelling, hives, nausea and diarrhea. These symptoms can occur immediately after ingestion of the allergen (just minutes to one hour).

The affected product was distributed and sold by Rouses Markets in Mississippi and Louisiana. The company however, has removed all displays of the tuna steak. Consumers who were able to buy the product with the affected UPC code and which were sold on the dates given were advised to discard it or return it to the store in order to get a refund.

Customers who have concerns regarding the product recall can contact Rouses at 1 800-688-5998. A customer service representative will be available to assist them from Monday until Friday, 8 AM until 5 PM Central Standard Time.