honey-atroszko-sxc-topMany consumers consider glass-clear honey to be the ideal type. In the seconds they have to choose a brand from the 40+ samples provided on the supermarket shelf, many consumers would choose clear honey as the best. However, they couldn’t be farther from the truth. The fact is, manufactures strip the honey of all its bee-pollen to make it liquid clear. Using a method called ultra filtering, the pollen is removed by heating the honey, watering it down after which it is subjected to high pressure and forced through tiny filters. This high-tech procedure is expensive and the cost is naturally passed down to the consumer.

The problem with removing the pollen is that the source of the honey cannot be traced and as a result, its quality cannot be accurately determined. This of course creates a safe haven for launderers who import cheap honey which may contain illegal antibiotics, rebrand it, and resell it to unknowing consumers. The ripple effect of this is that local beekeepers miss the market share, as their honey is a bit more expensive.

Another problem is that the consumers are denied all the benefits derived from pollen. Aside from being the only source of vitamin B12 among plants, it is a powerful antibacterial and rejuvenator. In addition, it contains phenylalanine, an appetite suppressant, and Lecithin, a powerful detoxifier that can aid in weight control. This type of honey can also improve allergy conditions, if taken in manageable doses over a period of time. However, consumers are strongly advised to consult their physician before undertaking this home remedy as there are people who are allergic to honey, and simply ingesting a drop could be fatal.

Moreover, the fact that pollen supplements are sold worldwide shows the benefits of bee pollen. So instead of buying ultra-processed honey and then buying the pollen supplements, rather buy honey as the bees intended it to be, full of bee-pollen, either nut-flavoured, blackberry flavoured, or even flavoured with pollen from wild flowers.