StaterBrosStater Bros. Charities succeeded in raising $231,896 for a cancer program it has been supporting for years. The supermarket has raised the money that will benefit Pediatric Cancer Programs at City of Hope, a research and medical institution based in Duarte, California. The money was raised through the supermarket’s Kids 4 Hope Mobile Campaign, whose monies go to support the California-based medical institution.

Over the past 9 years, City of Hope has received a total of $1.28 million-plus in donations from Stater Bros., which has been running the Kids 4 Hope campaign.

Jack H. Brown, the chairman and CEO of Stater Bros Markets, said that the supermarket chain had a tradition of helping neighbors and friends in the communities they serve and were only too glad to give back to the communities. The CEO also said that in particular it was a pleasure for the Stater Bros. group to be part of campaigns that would make the lives of many children better and make lasting differences.

Stater Bros Markets employees and customers in all of its 167 Southern California store locations purchased Kids 4 Hope paper mobiles that were placed at store checkouts, which were priced at $1 and others at $5 in October. The funds were given directly to the research and medical institution to support their pediatric cancer treatment, educational and research programs.

Stater Bros. Markets is based in San Bernardino, California and runs its non-profit organization, Stater Bros. Charities to support the critical needs of communities where their supermarkets are located and in particular, where their staff lives and works.


