shoppingThe economy is not in the best shape and according to many people out there, the situation is likely to remain as it for some time. Fortunately, people always adapt and when it comes to money, they adapt fast. For instance, take a simple day-to-day activity like shopping. Nowadays, it has been required of us that we become professional at the task that before, was all too easy. We have to find the best and cheapest deals and once we do, we stick at these deals until a more favorable one turns up.

However, even as we take the professional and more cautious approach to shopping, the whole experience is still valued by a number of people. For instance, a survey carried out by IRI in the UK found that 65% of the respondents still bought private labels and 69% said they would spend a lot more time planning what and where they will do their shopping. Eight-six percent of those asked, said that they still look for some little treat as they stroll through the stalls and drop specially flavored coffee into their baskets, among other luxuries.

The survey dubbed, ‘Shopping in tough times’ involved nine European countries, and over 26,000 people were interviewed online. The data collected would help the stores as they strategize general shopping trends. Of the people who took part in the survey, 69% of them choose their store based on the entire experience of shopping, while 70% of them will be attracted by offers. In the past year alone, about 39% of shoppers have changed their stores as they search for convenience. Around 41% of the shoppers are grim about the future, economically that is, and that leads them to carefully consider prices and put focus on things that are essential to basic survival.